January 10, 2010

I'm going to let you in on a little secret.

I have a nerdy side. I know what your thinking.

Lori, aren't all your sides nerdy?

While I would answer, NO!

I am very. Very. Cool. On the inside at least.

But the nerdy side of me. Well...it loves Taylor Swift! Like...hard. Mad. Crushing. A few months ago I bought her second CD. Come to find out it didn't have my favorite song of hers on it. So I went and bought the other one. Honestly, I can't remember the last CD I bought. (I'm kind of an itunes junky.) Then I go and buy two. Of the same artist no less. Now I go around blasting it in the car, and singing along like its no ones business. Cause its not. Well except maybe my kids cause they have to hear me, and know I guess I kind of made it yours too. But other than that...

Then for Christmas we got it! Band Hero. We already had all the instruments because it compatible with rock band. But it comes with 3 Taylor swift songs. So one night I told my husband I wanted to try something out. I wanted to sing, and play the guitar. So we got out his mic head set, and I sang while I played. It was awesome! Fun along the same lines as giving a fake acceptance speech, or interview, or blasting the radio and dancing in your living room because nobodies watching. Kind of like that. But much more fun!
See... I told ya. Totally nerdy.

Its okay, I'm totally comfortable with my nerd-ulinity.

1 comment:

Krazy Kobels said...

I think she is great too!!! Not nerdy at all just sooooooo fun I will join in!!!