Richard had off yesterday and originally we were supposed to go to the lake. But plans changed. Anyways, the alarm installer was at our house yesterday (Don't think your getting in here unheard) and as we were chatting he asked me "are you a stay at home mom for a living?" I proceeded to tell him "actually, I was a trophy wife" It was hilarious, he just looked at me blankly (I was in my sweats with my hair pulled back). A little background to why I am telling you this. The night before when we were laying in bed I told Richard from now on when people asked what I did for a living. I was going to tell them I was a trophy wife. I couldn't believe the very next day the opportunity presented itself.
Me and Richard don't really get to watch TV to often, but we do have our favorite shows we like to watch together. It usually changes from time to time. Right now we love Office, Lost, & The Colbert Report. In the past it's been Smallville, and Temptation Island (that's right I said Temptation Island, the original). We used to like to watch re-runs of Simpsons, Everybody Loves Raymond, Friends & Scrubs. Of coarse we like SNL, and tons of different old movies. Maybe we watch TV more than I thought???? Anyways, we love to quote TV, and movies, and I'm pretty sure we are the only one's who think we are funny. (That's what she said.) But that is beside the point.
My trivia questions to you is this. When Marie from Everybody Loves Raymond tells Frank "I'm not just some trophy wife" His reply is what???? The answer is significant because it is what Richard told the installer after my comment. The first person to leave the answer in the comments will win a prize. I don't know what it is yet. It may be something Big or small. Something bought, or handmade. I just thought this would be fun. Good Luck!!! Lori
"your a trophy wife...what kind of contest in h*ll did I win?" Is that right!?! That show is so hilarious! We also love The Office...that what she said!! HEHE
Oh, I just googled it and found the same thing Shana put. That really made me laugh.
We have a lot of the same taste. I had no idea you were so demented!
I have know idea what he said, but I know that it was funny, because I love that show.
I knew it without having to google it! Too bad I'm so behind on my blog reading right now. I could have had that one in the bag!
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