July 12, 2008

Old Friends... Good Times

Moving to a new ward has been a bit more difficult then I thought it would be, kind of. I miss everybody especially the girls, and I didn't realize how small our ward was before. Our new ward is huge. The good news is My cousin is in our ward, a few acquittance's, and some really good old friends the Klippel's. Most of you know his big brother Bishop Klippel. What you might not know is that Richard used to work with his brother Brandon, he was actually his trainer when he started at Discover almost 7 years ago. Me and Brandon actually had a sign language class the same semester I met Richard, and he met his wife Julie. Who knew almost 2 years later are paths would cross again, and this time he would be baptizing my future husband. Seriously!!! Long story short he was actually the one who asked Richard if he wanted to take Missionary discussions. (Why didn't I think of that????) They invited us over for dinner last Sunday which was a real treat because Brandon is a chef, and he just started his own Business The Creative Kitchen Co. His wife Julie is an awesome mother of 4 boys. (I thought I had it tough). They are one up on us, but the other 3 boys are all almost exactly the same age. Anyways, we have always cherished their friendship in the past, and now more than ever.


Joey and Megan said...

We miss you too. It's always good to have new (or old) friends.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. My new ward is so big it is a bit over whelming, but I probably wont et a calling for a while. Good luck in the new ward!

Carca said...

What a cool story..and yes, eating Brandon's food is ALWAYS a treat!