May 15, 2008

Happy birthday JACE

It's not deja vu Jaces birthday is May 16th. His birthday party is going to be on Saturday at my moms house. My boys birthdays are 1 day apart. They are exactly 2 years 1 day. So this post is for my 3 year old Jace. He is a rowdy little boy, who loves to get into trouble. He is pretty opposite of his brother, but they are still best friends. They tell each other so every day. Here is Jaces birthday menu.

  • Breakfast - cake

  • Lunch - peter piper pizza

  • Dinner - pb&j

    Joey and Megan said...

    I forgot they were only one day apart. Happy Birthday Jace! At least their birthdays aren't both right around Christmas. I think May is a great month for birthdays. Even though mine is in April, it was always just in time to get my summer wardrobe. Now don't I wish I had a summer wardrobe.

    Renee said...

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACE!!!! What a great combo for your birthday meals. I love it.