May 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Jaren

Officially on May 15th Jaren will be 5. So this post is for him. We already had his party early due to scheduling conflicts. Jaren is a wonderful son, friend, and big brother. He is always extremely helpful, and loves to do anything Star Wars. He likes to play Lego Star Wars on the xbox. Watch any of the star wars movies, but episode iv, and v are his favorites. He even likes to act out scenes from the movie. He got lots of cool Star wars gear from his party too. I decided that for their birthdays my boys could have what ever they wanted to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Here is Jarens menu.

  • Breakfast - Toast and chocolate milk.

  • Lunch - grilled cheese sandwich.

  • dinner - chicken nuggets.

    Joey and Megan said...

    Happy Birthday to Jaren! And Hannah! And Celina!

    Renee said...

    Happy Birthday Jaren!!!! I do the same thing to for my kids birthdays. They get to choose there meals.