September 09, 2009

I know, I know

you all are probably getting sick of me directing you over to my photography blog. But since it's linked to my website, I like to do my photography post there. Don't worry this is the second to the last time. I have one more amazing shoot I am dieing to share with you, and then I'll stop. I promise. At least for the most part. I have been busy trying to finish up some Calhoun ink stuff plus keep up with all my regular duties. You know being a mom, wife, house keeper, etc. I am looking forward to taking most of next week off (except for the fabulous work shop coming up that you can still RSVP to.) and catching up on my regular blog. I have some post already started, and I am in desperate need to finish them. So I figured next week will be a good one. Since after that I've booked quite a few shoots which I am so excited about! Things are picking up at just the right pace, and shooting is becoming so second nature to me. I shoot (and am completely comfortable) in manual now. I also shoot raw, and will never go back. It is a-mazing! I can now make things happen with out really giving them much thought, and I feel more and more like a real photographer. Don't get me wrong I don't think you ever stop learning. Ever! So I'm excited for what the future holds. For the now hop on over to my photography blog, and check out a few of the images I shot at the wedding in California.

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