July 27, 2009

Jaren & Jace

My big boys got their yearly check up's last week at the doctor's office. I'm really not that fond of the office to be honest, and I never have been. But I LOVE their doctor. She's great! The boys did good. Their growing, that's for sure.

Jace weighed 33lbs and was 40in. He had to get four shots. But doesn't have to get any more until he's 11. He wasn't really cooperating when I wanted to take a picture. It's funny if I'm taking some one else's picture he's usually all up in the mix asking to get his taken. But when I want to take his. He doesn't want to have it. Such is the life of Jace Michael. I finally got him to hold still. I think I may have bribed him. But he still wouldn't look at me. Stinker!!! It's a good thing I love him so much, and it helps that he's soooo cute. He starts preschool in a couple of weeks. He is definitely ready to learn. I am often amazed how he absorbs information. We were working in his preschool book today, and I was surprised at how well he did.

Jaren weighed 49lbs and was 47 in. He had to pee in a cup. The first of many times I'm sure. He thought it was cool. I can't believe school starts in two weeks. It seems like the last day of kindergarten was yesterday. I will miss him when he's at school. He is such a good helper.

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