April 24, 2009

Our day yesterday.

Yesterday Tate had an outpatient procedure done at Thunderbird Hospital. I won't explain it all on here. But I will say it was on his little privates. I don't mind talking about it or anything like that. It's just kind of weird, and not something for the blog (even for me). That all being said I just enjoyed the day with my baby. Took lot's of pictures. Did lot's of scrap pages, and enjoyed a lot of snuggling.

I wanted to bring something else up as well. In case you didn't already know, because I'm not shy about it really. I just often feel so blessed. My life is by no means grand. However, I have absolutly no room to complain. It is the simple things for me. A loving husband, forgiveness, 3 beautiful boys, a roof over my head, in a safe neighborhood, plenty to eat. Those are the big one's for me. Every night almost before I go to bed I thank my father in Heaven for all I have. I don't like to complain much, although sometimes I want to. When it starts in my mind. I am quickly reminded how good I really have it. I'm not going to lie. Some days I am afraid it's all going to disappear, and I do know we all have our trials, and will have to leave earth eventually. It's not something I dwell on. My faith is what gets me through. I'm trying harder to live in the moment, and just enjoy it. At registration yesterday the lady had a little plaque, and I truly believe. It said "Joy is a choice". Guess what I'm choosing?

Okay, okay, on with the scrap's

They're all pretty self explanatory.
This first one is censored to protect the innocent, and myself from the blog police. Tate thinks he's so cool now since he can get on and off the big bed in his room, all by himself

Another thing, I always get the best visiting teachers. I really should follow their examples more.

1 comment:

Kami said...

What are you talking about? Your a great visiting teacher. I am glad everything went okay with the surgery. I love it when kids want to snuggle!