March 05, 2009

As promised

***UPDATE*** Extending this till Monday night 9:00 p.m.

Another give away! Were going to do a name that photo contest. (As previously stated I got this idea for MckMama.)

  • Here is an example "riding just as fast as we can". The 1986 Tiffany version. Did you guys no there was more than one?

Okay, back to the point. Leave me your title for the picture below in comments. No rules. (It definetly doesn't have to be song related) Me, and the Mr. Will pick a winner (our favorite) Friday night by close of business. (9:00p.m. were old farts what can we say!) So, with out further ado The picture. Oh, I almost forgot the prize. I'm not for sure yet. But I'm thinking something baked. Maybe by me, but probably not. You out of towners are welcome to play too.

p.s. These photos were done for a Time & Motion assignment. To view the rest visit calhoun ink.


Krazy Kobels said...

Can't catch me I'm the J man!!

Jojo said...

Hit the deck!

Joey and Megan said...

"Get outta dodge!" or "Narrow escape" or "Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me"

Sorry, once you get this brain going it doesn't stop.