- Today is Richards birthday. So since the 25 random tag is going around. I decided to one for him. Except there's 28. I'm sure you can all figure out why.
- You get your haircut every pay day.
- You always order your Chinese food without mushrooms.
- You do not like to hang your towels on the towel rack.
- You have very little tolerance for lazy people.
- You are very shy.
- You are a very hard worker.
- You love to play flag football. You have since I met you.
- You love watching Auburn football.
- When we first met. You had pimped out speakers in your car.
- You also worked at Finish Line in the mall.
- You have come a long way since that last one.
- Whenever you assemble something there are always "spare parts".
- You love to read.
- You love to play video games.
- You had a 3.9 GPA when you finished your Masters.
- A 3.82 with your Bachelors.
- If you couldn't tell by the last four. You are a closet nerd.
- You are extremely competative.
- You remember EVERYTHING!
- When you leave the room you always turn the tv to food network for me.
- You hate crowded places, and driving.
- Your favorite Holiday is Thanksgiving.
- You love jalapeno beef jerkey.
- & Peach knee-hi.
- You love to eat at new restaurants with me.
- But insist on driving 30 minutes to eat at Lenny's at least once a month.
- You give very thoughtfull gifts.
- I love you more than you will ever know.
March 09, 2009
Happy Birthday Honey!
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What a very cute way to say happy birthday. Happy birthday Richard!!
Tell Richard Happy Birthday!!
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