February 26, 2009

Drum roll please.

THE WINNER IS... The Thomas Family. Ha! Now you will have to come hang out with me. I'm just kidding! Oh, did I mention the real prize was that you get to double with me and Richard. Gotcha again. That would be more like torture. Have fun on your date. Of coarse I would babysit your kids anytime. But you already know that.

***UPDATED*** If you are wondering, I did random.org. But if I would have been going solely off of the comments left. I would have picked Amy, followed by Jen. Sorry Jen, I'm that vain.


Jess said...

Seriously? I won? YIPPEE, I never win anything. I'm so excited!

PS It would NOT be torture...let's do it!

Tanner Fam said...

I hope you get a paper cut.