July 08, 2008

4th of July!

We celebrated the fourth at my parents house. We swam, ate, and the kids played with sparklers (Papa included). We waited a while for fire works, and just after 9:30 we left for home. This was a common theme in Arizona since a lot of shows were canceled or held off due to a storm. To our surprise we got to watch Peoria's fire work show our whole ride home. It was pretty cool. When we got home I noticed the Surprise Stadium lights were still on so I opened the blinds in our bedroom. A few minutes later they were off. Richard thought maybe they were going to start there fireworks, and sure enough they did (around 9:50). We ran and got the big boys out of bed. We all watched the fireworks from our bedroom window. It was so awesome! The stadium is not even a mile from our house, and the fireworks were at the park directly in front of our bedroom window. We definitely had the best seats. I don't think I will ever forget this fourth of July. Which is kind of funny because I was being pouty about not getting to go to the city celebration. Richard wasn't up for it, but he did agree to go swimming with me and the kids which totally made up for it. Anyways, It was a special time in our new house, and the boys were so cute. I will never forget those happy looks on their faces.

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