June 24, 2008

So I am probably going to make myself look bad.....

So I am probably going to make myself look bad, but stress is finally getting to me. Today preschool was canceled, are you kidding me! Poor Mrs. Black was sick. Totally changed my day. We decided to go to the summer movies instead of what I already planned. Which was cleaning, and unpacking at the new house. Not even half way into the movie I was kicking myself. We were of coarse late. Hard to find a seat in a pitch black movie theater ( My eyes weren't adjusting to the dark very well). Then after the popcorn and cookies ran out my children decide this is when they want to get up, move around, talk, sit in the middle of the isle etc, etc. I have been trying really hard to be tougher on Jace. That is when I ask him to do something make sure he listens and follows through. We have always been very strict with Jaren when it comes to this, and it has paid off. Jace however, not so much. So I have been buckling down. After I asked him countless times to sit in his seat, threaten to leave, then give him the count. You know the 1, 2, 3. I pick him up and sit him on my lap. Keep in mind Tate is already on one knee. Jace begins kicking and screaming. This starts a chain reaction now Tate is screaming too. So I am literally dragging Jace out of the theater. Tate on one hip, Jace in the other arm, bumping each stair as we go down. Thud! Thud! Thud! Once we are to the bottom I lose his hand. He is still screaming. So with my leg I try to get him out the door. This is wear I start to look bad as if I wasn't already. I think to the people on the other side of the door it looks like I am kicking him. They are all staring at us. I am sure I was red. Jace finally calms down. I ask him if he is ready to be a good listener and finish watching the movie. He looks at me with those eyes, you know the one's I love, and the reason why he gets away with so much. So with thumb in mouth he gently shakes his head yes. I am happy to report he stayed in his chair the rest of the movie. Maybe I am finally getting through. Sorry to all of you at the theater. Did I mention sweet Sister Kellis was sitting behind us. That is our primary president. How embarrassing. Then we haven't been home even 5 minutes when my boys start fighting. I break into tears, which causes another reaction. Now Jaren is crying. I send them to there rooms immediately. Call my best friend (my husband) to vent. He listens lovingly then makes me feel better by telling me when he gets home I can go to the new house and hang up pictures and decorate. Does he know how to make me feel better or what? I love our new house and have been dieing to decorate. I feel much better as I vent to him, and on the blog. Hopefully none of you will judge me. It's just been a bad day. I am feeling much better now, and can not wait until tonight when I get to be at the new house by myself decorating.


Nicole said...

I toataly do not judge you for that. That is how I feel everytime I go to the movies. It is sometimes not worth the hassle. i.e. I didn't go today. Thanks for being so honest in your blog. It makes me feel like other people are going through the same thing as me.

shananchuck said...

I totally know how you feel!! Sorry you had such a bad day!! We have a movie day planned in a couple of weeks and I am a little scared to bring all three boys!! But I know it can be done now!! You go girl!!

Anonymous said...

OH! stop you can't make yourself look bad, who hasn't had a bad day in there life? I dont know who would judge you, but everyone has been there atleast I have,.

Adam and Anya said...

Ok, coming from someone in the Primary presidency I have to say, an occasional leg MUST be used in order to obtain maximum reverence. haha But seriously, every LOVING mother cares enough to discipline her kids. I can tell you LOVE your boys.

Tanner Fam said...

Oh my goodness, you are the WORST mother in the world!! I have all ready called CPS, so don't worry, no more bad days to come! :)

GEEZ, of course I had to write something sarcastic. I am just glad you posted it on your blog because it gave me entertainment. It is usually a bit funny when it's someone else and not you going through it, because if it's funny, it's because you've been in that same exact situation. And for all of those who are judging...they will have their day...guaranteed. But since probably 99 percent of those in the theatres have children...I am guessing they understood. If all else fails just remember some day you will be old and crippled and it will be their job to take care of you...and feel free to embarass them at the movies.