June 11, 2008

Couples quiz???

We were taking this quiz we found on the Stevenson's blog. I thought our answers were funny. They may have been only to us, owh well. We didn't do all of them. I left the funny ones, and the ones that make me look good. Anyways, Enjoy!
How long did you date?
Richard: 2 years
Lori: 2 years
How long have you been married?
Richard: 7 years
Lori: What? 6 ½ years
Who eats more?
Richard: Richard
Lori: Lori
Who said I love you first?
Richard: No comment
Lori: It’s cold outside???
Who can sing better?
Richard: Me
Lori: The fat lady.
Who is smarter?
Richard: Me. He said Lori, but let’s face it we all know he thinks he’s smarter.
Lori: Richard
Who does the laundry?
Richard: Lori
Lori: Lori
Who pays the bills?
Richard: Me, because I work.
Lori: Me, because I write the checks, and mail them off.
Who sleeps on the right side looking at the bed?
Richard: Me
Lori: Richard
Who mows the lawn?
Richard: Me
Lori: Me
Who cooks dinner?
Richard: Lori
Lori: Lori
Who drives?
Richard: Me
Lori: Unfortunately, Richard
Who is more stubborn?
Richard: Lori
Lori: Richard, that's why he get's to drive.
Who kissed who first?
Richard: Me, she made me
Lori: Richard, finally.
Who asked who out first?
Richard: Lori
Lori: It depends on what we consider our first date. Still probably me.
Who proposed?
Richard: She made me
Lori: Me, I made him. It's not what your thinking Jaren just barely turned 5. Do the math.
Who has more friends?
Richard: Lori
Lori: Lori
Who is more sensitive?
Richard: A tie
Lori: He is
Who has more siblings?
Richard: Lori
Lori: Lori
Who wears the pants?
Richard: She does.
Lori: He does.


Anonymous said...

That was funny. I am going to do this quiz, but I hope it does not start a fight! J/K

Tanner Fam said...

Um, I noticed how many of your answers contradicted each other.

Renee said...

Your answers were to funny. Doug would never do a quiz like this with me. Then he surprises me all of the time.