April 28, 2008

My ginormous 2 month old!

Tate had his 2 month check today. Can you believe my baby is two months old already? I pray every day that Heavenly Father will slow down the hands of time.

So two month stats are

  • 14lbs - 97%

  • 25 1/4in - off the charts

  • size 2 diapers

  • size 3-6mon clothing - barely

  • 6 vaccines - 5 shots, 1 oral (can you believe it?)

The Dr said he was the size of the six month she had just seen!!!

Look at those chubby legs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! He is getting so big! Beau is almost 8 months old and weighs 14.8 pounds, that is crazy and he wears size 2 diapers and still is in 3-6 month clothes. It is so funny to see all kids grow at there own pace.