March 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Honey!!!

Yesterday was Richard's 27th Birthday. Is he getting old or what? Just Kidding!! For his birthday we got him guitar hero, and a red light saber. Now they all 3 have light sabers. Yes, his cake is pink. His favorite kind of cake and pretty much the only kind he will eat is cherry cake. Which just happens to be pink. I gave him guitar hero a week early because he was home all week.
Man was it awesome!!!! I didn't have to raise a finger to do anything. Except take care of Tate. He did everything around the house including the laundry. I told him I didn't know what I was going to do when he went back to work. I hate to brag (no I don't) but I have an awesome husband. Who I think is even more awesome after last week. I love you honey!!!
Today is the first day he is gone. So far we are all still alive, fed, and I even did 2 loads of laundry. Not to bad I say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Richard! My kids have guitar hero two and they love it.