My only source of sanity this last weekend was my baby shower!!! I had such a fun time and got so many awesome things. I needed pretty much all new infant clothes,burp rags, bibs, baby towels etc. Going threw two kids pretty much destroyed everything I had. Anyways I have two full drawers of infant clothes now. YAY!!!! I also got a cute new diaper bag,wipey holder, and cute new blankets. With some of my gift cards I received I got a few luxuries I didn't have before. Like a boppy pillow (I always wanted one) and a diaper genie. Richard insisted we get the genie. I call it a luxury because I don't know if it is a neccessity. Will find out. Thank you everybody who came and sent gifts. They were all very appreciated. Tate's room is all ready now, he just has to get here.
I know exactly what you mean. I needed like everything. I still can't believe we both have ended up with 3 boys...aren't we lucky!!
Is that your diaper bag hanging on the crib? It's very cute!!
That is my totally cute diaper bag hanging on the crib. I can hardly wait to use it.
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